Cookies Policy


We, as ALUMİNANCE ALÜMİNYUM SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (hereinafter, it shall be referred as “Company”), would like to state that we display the maximum sensitivity for processing the personal data of our website visitors in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data with number 6698 and its other relevant legislation (“LPPD Legislation”) and use cookies via our website.

The purpose of this Cookies Policy is to inform you in relation with the types and intended uses of the cookies obtained via the visits by the Website users / members / visitors (“Data Owner”) to the internet site (“Website”) operated by us.

What is Cookie?

Cookies are the small text files, mostly consisted of letters or numbers, which are stored on your computer or mobile device (“device”) when you visit a website and allow detecting the abovementioned device.

What are Your Personal Data that are Processed via the Cookies?

Your usage and visiting habits, login information, past transactions and navigating information are processed via the cookies.

By Which Methods Are the Cookies Collected and For Which Purposes Are They Used?

We, as the Company, process your personal data, which is consisted of the cookies we collect via the daily files, empty gif files and/or third party sources, in accordance with PPD Legislation and limited with the purposes specified below:

  • Information of your navigation on the Website is processed in order to provide a better service to our website visitors, shared with the third parties as limited with this purpose and stores safely.
  • Your past transactions are stored in order to establish a summary in relation with your preferences.
  • Information of your navigation on the Website and/or your usage history on Website may be monitored for the purposes of making an introduction specific to you, presenting promotions and marketing offers considering your marketing permission, improving the content of the Website according to you, and/or determining your preferences.
  • Functional and analytic cookies are used in order to analyse how the Website is used and to improve your Website usage experience.
  • Advertisement cookies are used for the purpose of advertising / introduction to present contents and ads that are more appropriate for your areas of interest and you.

Company may match the information collected via different methods, online and offline, or the information collected from you through the Website at different times, and may use this information together with the information obtained from other sources such as the third parties.

Which Types of Cookies Are Used?

Both the first party cookies (that are placed by the site you visit) and the third party cookies (placed by the servers other than the site you visit) are used on our website. You may find the different types of cookies we use on our Website below:

  • Mandatory (Basic) Cookies: These are the cookies that are mandatory for the website to be able to function properly and for you to be able to benefit from its features and services provided.
  • Permanent Cookies: These are the cookies that are used in order to increase the functionality of the Website, to provide a more rapid and better service to our visitors, and survive until they are deleted by you via the browsers or until their expiration date.
  • Session Cookies: These are the temporary cookies that are used during your visit on the website, and deleted after closing the browser.
  • Functional and Analytic Cookies: These are the cookies used to determine how you use the Website, including monitoring how you use the Website.
  • Advertisement Cookies: These are the cookies assist us to provide contents appropriate for your areas of interest and needs on the Website.
  • Flash Cookies: These are the cookies used to activate the image or sound contents provided on the Website.

Google Analytics

  • Function: Tracking / Analysis
  • Intended Use: In order to increase the performance and user experience, to measure and analyse the acts of the visitors, who visit the website, from different aspects.
  • Operation Method: It provides no-name (anonymous) collective data about on which screens you navigated and what you did within the website.
  • Cookie Type: Third Party, Permanent and Session cookies

For detailed information on Google’s privacy policy, you may visit the address

Google Adwords

  • Function: Tracking between the websites
  • Intended Use: Being able to display our ads as specific and personalized to you starting from your navigation behaviours.
  • Operation Method: It provides no-name (anonymous) information about the visitors regarding the websites visited before and after the Company’s website.
  • Cookie Type: Third Party, Permanent and Session cookies


  • Function: Tracking / Analysis
  • Intended Use: It is to increase the efficiency of scheduled campaigns, present different advertisement communications depending on the user profile (such as re-marketing, etc.), to collect information about the visitors of the website in order to benefit in establishing future plans.
  • Operation Method: Geographical (location) and technical information (IP, device, browser, operating system, etc.) of the users visiting the website of the Company are provided via adserver software that was developed.
  • Cookie Type: Third Party, Permanent and Session cookies

How Can You Control the Use of Cookies?

Use of the cookies is not mandatory to use our website; you have the opportunity to personalize your preferences regarding the cookies by changing the setting of your browser.

In case you set your browser so as to prevent all cookies, then you may continue to use our Website; however, you may not access all functions of the Website or your access may be limited and the quality of your user experience may decrease.

Adobe Analytics
Google Adwords
Google Analytics
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Safari TR
Your Online Choices

Your Rights as Data Owner

The following are the rights you have regarding your personal data, pursuant to Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LPPD):

  1. To learn whether it has been processed or not.
  2. If yes, to request information regarding this.
  3. To learn the purpose of processing and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose or not.
  4. To know the third parties, to whom the personal data is transferred inland or abroad.
  5. In case the data is incomplete or falsely processed, to request the correction of them and to request the transaction, which was carried out within this scope, be notified to the third parties, to whom the personal data has been transferred.
  6. To request the deletion or destruction of the personal data, if the causes, which require processing, disappear, even if they have been processed in accordance with the provisions of LPPD and other relevant laws and to request the transaction, which was carried out within this scope, be notified to the third parties, to whom the personal data has been transferred.
  7. To object a result emerging against the person through the analysis of the processed data exclusively by the automatic systems.
  8. To request indemnification, in case suffering a loss due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

You may communicate your requests regarding these rights via the following methods:

  • By entering all information specified in LPPD Application Form provided on our website preferably.
  • By visiting our headquarters located at the address of RÜZGARLIBAHÇE MAH. KAVAK SK. İMPA IŞ MERKEZI BLOK NO: 12 İÇ KAPI NO: 2 BEYKOZ / İSTANBUL personally.
  • In writing via notary Office or via registered letter with return receipt, in order to be able to identify your identity and not to give information to the wrong people.
  • Through our registered electronic mail (KEP) address of
  • By sending an electronic mail to the address of, provided to use the electronic mail address, which was notified by you to the Company previously and registered in our systems.

(Note: Other communication methods to be determined by the Board may also be used in future.)